How to create a 3D pie chart in R

Pie Chart, represented in the circular chart symbol, is easy to understand complex data. Each section of the circle shows the data value proportions. The Pie charts can be of two-dimensional view or three-dimensional views based upon the taste of the user. In this example, I am going to use R package plotrix to draw a 3D pie chart.


We need the following R libraries to run the script
  • plotrix

File format

    Category    Number of genes    Color
    Transcription_O    24    #ed2f52
    Transport_O    13    #efc023
    Catalytic     31    #008080
    Phosphorylation    5    #8FBC8B
    Cell Wall     7    #AFEEEE
    Defense    16    #CD853F
    Secondary metabolites    4    #A0522D
    Unknown    26    #9ACD32
    Miscellaneous    28    #D8BFD8
    Uncharacterized    10    #E6E6FA



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